What Is WeChat Marketing?

WeChat is the major platform leading China’s digital transformation. A “mega app” that encompasses major successful features of most western and Chinese platforms: Blog-like articles, digitally interactive experiences, WeChat Pay, e-commerce & e-booking with WeChat Mini Programs, Moments (a virtual space to share daily updates), Channels (for visual-led content), live streaming, enterprise solutions, even search engine, and more.

This Chinese social media has established itself as a major platform for content creation through articles and channels, now the roadmap for Tencent (WeChat’s owner) is to leverage Miniprogram to boost business growth further, as it has become part of users’ daily life, develop futuristic features on WeChat Pay, and make WeChat Search a user habit. This is a rapidly changing platform and brands need to keep up if they want to stay relevant to Chinese users.


  • Understanding the WeChat Ecosystem:

In the past three years, WeChat marketing and advertising underwent tremendous changes. With the emergence of the new social media apps, it proved that it’s not going away and also managed to strengthen its position by continuously adapting to the new consumer behaviours by expanding its features and consolidated its position as a top app in China.

We have observed new trends emerging while strengthening existing ones. Some of the major trends that took off were: 

  • WeChat channels & Live-streaming, 
  • WeChat work (WeCom),
  • Relevance of mini programs, 
  • Focus on content creators, 
  • Smart targeting.

  • Select the right WeChat Official Account for your brand:

There are mainly 2 types of Official Account: WeChat Service Account & WeChat Subscription Account.

WeChat service and subscription accounts offer very different user experience hence the user journey and landing on the article vary.

WeChat service Accounts have the same priority as a user’s contacts in terms of notification status and appear on the main page in chronological order.


WeChat subscription accounts are gathered in a separate folder where accounts are shown according to an algorithm (most often read accounts) compared to the chronological order before.


  • Audit of other players & Gap Analysis

Identifying Key Players’ Strategy

Identify the key players in China. To do so, it is important to examine the activity and performance of your competitors on WeChat.

How to do the screening?

  • Quantitative and qualitative data including views, comments, likes, wows to illustrate share of voice of each player to provide a detailed comparison of the landscape
  • Audit of the key content pillars, tone of voice, content formats, and top performing posts from to compile the standard of what’s out there within WeChat
  • Competitors’ menu and overall official account usability
  • Overview of the strategies employed by B2B/B2C companies and their relevance for your brand

Gap Analysis & Key Learnings

Analyzing areas where other key players are lacking, what kind of content or type of information is missing and identifying gaps that could potentially become an opportunity in the future for your brand’s own communication.

  • Identifying your Target Audience in China: 

Chinese Netizens

Understanding who a Chinese internet user is becomes crucial to reach the right audience with the right channels and communication methods. Each Chinese platform, be it Weibo, RED (Xiaohongshu) or Kuaishou is characterized by a different user profile and same goes for WeChat.  

WeChat is used on a daily basis by more than one billion people, it’s a huge and extremely diversified crowd. With precise segmentation, you will be able to reach your desired target audience with the most aligned messaging and maximize the ROI on WeChat.  

Who is your Target Audience on WeChat?

The first task is to define your target audience and understand their main characteristics, social behavior, consumption patterns and what are the key trends among the group. 

Secondly, examine how they behave on WeChat, what kind of content they interact with and what is their peak activity time on the platform to reach them with the right messaging at the right time.

Try to create a very detailed target audience personas to get a full portrait. 

Different Communication for Different Audiences 

We recommend pushing personalized messaging for the different target audiences.

Based on the personas you created, your brand on WeChat can do a backend segmentation or WeChat CRM system can share to a selected audience different WeChat articles at different times. Because everyone likes special treatment, explore how backend tagging and CRM can improve your customers’ user journey.

To do that, analyze your target audience again and what are their key preferences and motivations and define your content pillars based on that. 

Content that is better tailored to users needs and expectations will perform better and decrease the risk of unfollowing by the fans. It would also improve the overall user experience if the users don’t find the receiving content too intrusive or irrelevant. You can also consider sending additional, targeted posts to segmented followers on top of regular communication for all.

  • Define your Content Strategy

WeChat is already a highly saturated space with many accounts pushing quality content on a regular basis, either in the form of posts or WeChat ads. An average WeChat user only follows around 20 public accounts and spends around half an hour per day reading articles. It’s not easy to make it into this within a short period of time. This can be achieved with a clear vision of your target audience and perfectly crafted content. 

WeChat Content 

In very basic terms, WeChat marketing strategy can be divided into content format and content topics. Beyond articles, the WeChat ecosystem offers many components that could be leveraged by brands in many interesting ways – official account menu, welcome message, H5, videos and more. 

We also recommend preparing different content for different target audiences and for fans at different stages of relationship with your brand e.g. new followers, potential customers, repetitive customers.  

WeChat Content Formats

Depending on the goal you want to achieve, you might want to choose different content types or combination of more touchpoints to take your communication to the next level. Top-notch account optimization is a requirement for successful interaction with your fans on WeChat, then you can experiment with different formats and styles of your WeChat articles and campaigns. 

WeChat Content Pillars

What are the most important topics that you would like to share with your fans and what are the topics that are the most interesting to your social personas? Focus on these areas and find a balance between brand and social-led content.

Determine the frequency of each topic and try to stick to it to not overwhelm your audience with similar stories all the time. 

  • Other Features to Leverage

WeChat is much more than articles – Tencent is constantly expanding its ecosystem of features that can be used by brands. In the past couple of years, new tools such as WeCom (previously WeChat Work), Mini programs, WeChat Channels, WeChat Search (Sou Yi Sou) or WeChat Beans have been introduced and we can only expect to see further new updates each year.  

Try to follow the latest WeChat/Weixin news and experiment with new tools to keep up with the changes taking place on WeChat and Chinese social media. 

Take a look at some of the key tools that you can use in your brand communication on WeChat.

  • Interactive posts,
  • WeChat Channels,
  • Mini programs,
  • H5 pages,
  • Surveys,
  • Live-streaming,
  • Coupons,
  • and more.
  • Distribution & Amplification

Because WeChat is a semi-closed platform a thoughtful and well-executed content amplification plan is a must. Every day and every hour, WeChat users are bombarded with articles from millions of WeChat official accounts competing for their attention and clicks. It’s crucial to make sure that your carefully prepared content reaches your target audience in the most effective way. Let us help you to discover multiple touchpoints through which WeChat content can be accessed and understand different methods of content amplification, both organic and paid, to make sure that your WeChat marketing and distribution strategy covers all of them.

48 hours

Lifespan of a WeChat post is extremely short. The most critical time is the first 48 hours after the publication – this is when 90% of reads and interactions happen and the rest usually within total 7 days after the publication. Therefore it’s extremely important to grasp this moment to keep the ball rolling and ensure that the post is 100% optimized for WeChat and checks the boxes of shareability or the ‘wow’ factor.

When you post a new article, WeChat users first see the preview of the post. When your brand secures at least the opening of the article, you can work towards a positive reaction, for example share or ‘wow’.

Organic distribution

By organic distribution, we mean all the promotion methods that you don’t need to pay for and purely utilize your own resources. Keep in mind that these methods can be relatively time consuming and require some effort on your and your team’s end. Some of our favorite organic methods include:

  • Optimized WeChat SEO,
  • Private traffic management, 
  • Backlinking to previous articles, 
  • Internal teams mobilization to spread articles (sharing, wow, Moments),
  • Collaborations with other partner accounts,
  • Linking from WeChat Channels video. 

Paid promotion

Due to the semi-closed nature of WeChat and a more and more saturated environment, especially when it comes to official accounts, organic reach is decreasing with each year. On the other hand, paid promotion like WeChat ads can get you very far and help you to reach millions of new potential customers. 

The main two types of official accounts to get followers and articles views are:

  • WeChat Moments ads,
  • WeChat Banner ads.  

WeChat Moments ads — displayed within user’s friends’ updates on Moments. WeChat strictly limits the number of ads displayed to each user on their Moments and when scrolling though Moments for a longer period of time, the user might come across max. 3 ads. A Moments ad can drive users to a landing page, video, mini program, shop, coupon and more. This type of ad is suitable for big-scale campaigns as the minimum budget required by Tencent is 50,000 RMB (7,500 USD). 

WeChat Banner ads — usually displayed at the end of a WeChat article, banner ads can drive users to follow a WeChat Official Account, view articles, download an app, signup link or to a customized landing page. Much more affordable than WeChat Moments ads, you can start promoting with minimal budget. 

KOL marketing

If you follow Chinese marketing trends closely, then you are probably already familiar with the KOL marketing. KOL, which stands for Key Opinion Leader, is a fastly growing way of promoting your brands with the help of influencers. Brands fell in love with this kind of marketing because compared to Western influencer marketing, KOLs  are perceived as more trustworthy in opinion of the Chinese consumers and this trend doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. You can choose from a wide range of big and small KOLs across different industries. 

You can adopt various strategies when working with Chinese KOLs.

How to Make a Great First Impression on WeChat with an Official Account?

WeChat’s active users are steadily increasing, and it has over 1.29 billion monthly users. Today, WeChat is one of the leading social networks worldwide, ranking fifth in terms of active users. As literally, everyone in China is on WeChat so are the brands using the official account function to connect with their fans, business partners, and potential prospects. On average, most of the users followed between 10 and 20 WeChat official accounts. So, it is very crucial for businesses to stand out in order to attract potential customers, and it is not easy.

Here are a few things you can do to make the best first impression on WeChat as the brand’s official WeChat account

How do WeChat users discover and start following official accounts?

How do users come across a WeChat account? There are different ways one might come across a brand’s official WeChat account. People might find official accounts thanks to QR codes which are ubiquitous in China and can be placed on: 

  • Marketing materials,
  • Web sites,
  • Newsletters,
  • Brochures,
  • Business cards. 

The target audience that is using the WeChat app can reach the Official accounts through:

Other methods of fan acquisition

There are even other ways a user can reach an official account inside the WeChat app. However, WeChat users may also be reached through paid promotions, collaborations with KOLs, and other partners. KOL marketing is huge and can benefit businesses by creating awareness. If you think that KOL/influencer marketing is only for lifestyle brands, you might want to rethink your approach. Since WeChat brand marketing is all about official accounts, you can also collaborate with bigger accounts to promote your brand. You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about new posts or follow our official WeChat account at KRDS-Agency.

How to make the best first impression on WeChat?

When the audience lands on the account, they first see the main page. It is the flagship of a brand presence on WeChat and it creates the first impression on the audience about the style and the message of the brand. A brand’s official account can be an equivalent of an official website. 

Firstly, the main page showcases the brand logo, description, and menu, and has the latest articles published. It is very important to keep in mind that the information is accurate and stays aligned with the brand. Secondly, you should make sure it is presented in a clear and user-friendly way.

Moreover, there is a welcome message. When a user starts following an official account, a welcome message will be prompted automatically. Typically, the welcome message contains information about the company, the current campaign, a link to the mini-program, and more.

Along with the welcome message, you can see a menu at the bottom. A proper and well-maintained menu is critical as it is one of the most frequently clicked items on the entire WeChat account.

Many users want to get the information right away that they are looking for. It is the first place people reach out and navigate through the account. Therefore, menu tabs should be embedded within WeChat or link to a website hosted on the Chinese server. You can also mirror the menu from the official website.


User’s journey through the WeChat official account

Stage 1: First impressions

Regardless of how users found your account, they will land on your main WeChat page and will make a decision if they want to follow your account. They will see the account name, brand logo, description, your company name as on the business license. They will also see how many of their friends are also following your account. Still, even before following you, they can see the latest articles (make sure the thumbnails look nice and eye-catching), interact with the menu tabs and see if you have a dedicated video Channels account.

🎥 What are WeChat Channels and how you can incorporate them in your WeChat planning?

Stage 2: Why should I follow?

When someone first follows an account, they immediately come across the automatic welcome message. In the welcome message, clearly and simply inform what kind of content they can expect from the account. For example, it’s a good idea to include a brief introduction to your company, quick links to your offerings, and contact methods. 

WeChat Welcome message

Stage 3: Did I find what I was looking for?

There is a WeChat menu to help with this. The WeChat menu is an extremely important part of the official account. It is actually quite often overlooked or not updated regularly. For instance even inactive accounts, still see considerable traffic each month just to their menu tabs. 

ℹ️ Learn more about the menu

ℹ️ How to optimize your WeChat menu?

WeChat Menu

Stage 4: Auto-replies

It happens that users don’t find the information they were looking for in the menu. Sometimes they simply prefer a one-on-one and direct conversation. In order to facilitate your customer service work, you can set up automatic replies prompted by the most frequently asked questions and relevant keywords. In other words, your followers don’t need to wait and get an instant reply.


WeChat is a huge deal if you want to attract an audience. The audience can judge a business through the WeChat official account. So, it is very important to understand how to maintain the account in a better way to attract and make the audience follow the WeChat official account.

If you wish to know more about WeChat marketing and content creation or other marketing techniques in China, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their networks among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us at contact@thewechatagency.com.

WeChat Menu Basics: How to Optimize WeChat Menu?

As we have introduced in our previous post, the WeChat menu is where users will look for crucial information such as your company’s contact information, brand story, major products, product line introduction, and more. When people click on your WeChat official account, they can quickly access these menu tabs.

How to Optimize Your WeChat Menu?

  1. Analyze the menus of your competitors.
  2. Have a nice menu design, as well as speed and efficiency.
  3. Revamp your menu every quarter
  4. Give your audience a tailored menu.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these best practices:

Menu Benchmarks

Before designing a WeChat menu, benchmark other accounts in the industry. It is important to take note of the number of tabs, tabs placement, what are calls to actions, tab categories, etc. 

Analyzing menus of competitors, we see that some of them link menu tabs to external websites. In this case loading time (hosting in China) and mobile-friendly design is crucial for a good user experience. 

Don’t overlook the menu as it’s one of the fundamental pillars of your brand communication on WeChat,

Menu Technicalities & Design

  • For speed and efficiency, make sure the information of the menu tabs is either incorporated in WeChat as WeChat articles or directed to a website hosted in China.
  • Since this is the most popular content on the official account, make sure the design is as nice, if not better, than normal articles.
  • For more sophisticated menus, consider using WeChat templates.


  • Check the relevancy of menu columns/tabs every quarter to ensure that your menu is up to date and reflects any important changes that have happened.
  • Examine the most and least clickable menu tabs to identify if the least performing. Then, decide to either enhance them or see if they’re needed at all and remove the unnecessary ones.

Customized Menu

  • On WeChat, personalization can help your content stand out from the crowd, boosting engagement, retention, and conversion rates. Menus can be customized depending on the user’s initial touchpoint. For example, if they scan a QR to your official account from a physical product they already own, you can serve them with a menu that is geared more towards existing clients and adapt the journey accordingly with loyalty programs and a post-purchase tab. Similarly, you can prepare a version of the menu for people who are not your customers yet with more focus on menus introducing your products, brand history, and product benefits. All within one official account.

WeChat Menu MontagutWeChat Menu MontagutWeChat Menu Montagut
Menu Optimization Look-outs:

  1. Loading time: Make sure the content is either incorporated in the WeChat ecosystem as an article or that the menu tabs redirect to a Chinese-hosted website.
  2. Sub-menus: You can use up to 15 sub-menu tabs (3 columns x 5 sub-menus), but don’t overburden your consumers. Apply the logic underlying the website menu layout haphazardly.
  3. Language: When Chinese readers encounter just English-language information, they might abandon the website right away.
  4. Performance: Monitor the performance of your menu tabs every quarter and make any necessary adjustments. For a better user experience, consider customized menus.


WeChat menus are gradually becoming the most popular content types on the WeChat platform because they act as information centers for your company in China. So as a result, for firms trying to expand their business in China, the WeChat menu is a must-have.

A well-designed menu that directs users to relevant tabs can boost sales and lead generation. Update tabs on a regular basis, some of them can direct users to active events or campaigns.

Specifically developed and customized menus can help drive sales and leads by better connecting the audience with the business and improving the user experience.

Are you looking for setting up your very own WeChat Menu? Please get in touch with our team. We apply our knowledge and experience to assist businesses in forming meaningful connections and expanding their consumer base in China. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong


Read more: WeChat Menu Basics: Introduction for Brands

WeChat Menu Basics: Introduction for Brands

What is WeChat Menu?

Aside from articles, one of the most important functions that companies can use on WeChat is the Menu – it’s always-on content that brands can use in a variety of ways.

The WeChat menu is where users will search for key information, such as your company’s contact details, brand story, key products, product line introduction, and more. They can simply access these menu tabs when they click on your WeChat official account.

To begin with, the WeChat menu is similar to the menu on a website, and you can replicate or mirror the menu from your official website by taking into account which information are the most important for your China’s audience. As you will see in this article, a well-crafted menu by directing the users to relevant tabs can increase sales and increase lead generation. Menu tabs can be updated on regular basis and some can lead to ongoing events or campaigns. 

WeChat Menu Backend

Menu – More Important than One Thinks

According to Digital Luxury Group, of all the engagement activities carried out by followers, Menu Clicks ranked the highest of all types of engagements with official accounts at an astounding 73%. This might be a shock for many brands that mainly focus on producing amazing weekly content but often neglect regular updates of their WeChat menu. Users tend to engage with brands on WeChat when they are looking for specific types of information or services, which are generally accessed through the menu tabs therefore menu serves a different purpose than weekly articles. 

WeChat Menu Stats

Why Use The WeChat Menu?

Best first impression: When a user clicks to follow your account, they receive an automatic welcome message. You can edit and craft this message by using WeChat links directing to menu tabs, e-shops, contact forms, etc. Make sure it’s concise and not too long.

Smoother user journey: The menu helps users quickly find all FAQ (frequently asked questions) information. From the menu, they should be able to access e-commerce (if applied), customer service, and brand introduction. This is something that WeChat users are used to and automatically check when following a new account. 

Stay up-to-date: Look at the menu as your information hub for the Chinese market as it’s quite possible that your Chinese customers will check your WeChat menu more often than your website. Carefully focus on the most important tabs like brand introduction, current product catalog, contract details page e.g. one of the biggest mistakes we’ve seen it’s uploading contact details as image, therefore, emails or phone numbers can’t be copy-pasted causing inconvenience for potential customers. 

Gain new followers: Although the menu is only visible to users who visited your WeChat account and won’t necessarily help with the initial account awareness when you manage to hook your visitors with the menu, you can lead them through a rich brand experience journey. That’s why investing more time and effort into creating menu content is crucial. 

WeChat Menu Backend WeChat Menu Backend

WeChat Menu Montagut WeChat Menu Montagut WeChat Menu Montagut

Who Can Enable the Menu?

The menu function is accessible by two types of accounts:

– Verified subscription accounts,

– Service accounts.

The good news is that all overseas companies applying for a service account can enable a menu on their official WeChat account. The menu can be set up and edited using the desktop official account WeChat backend. 

Menu Tabs

From the technical point of view, the menu can consist of a maximum of three columns and each can have a maximum of five sub-menus. Your menu can have a total of 15 tabs. In special cases, if you need more submenu tabs, there is also an option to create a menu tab showing a collection of related articles for more advanced WeChat users. You can contact us to find out more. 

However, we don’t recommend setting up a maximum amount of many tabs as it might be slightly overwhelming for the users and make it hard to find the information that they are looking for. Remember that the core of the WeChat menu is its functionality. Hence, 8 or 9 tabs is ideal.

There are a few options to build your menu:

Sub-menu content

  • Send a Message  
    • Article,
    • Text message,
    • Image,
    • Audio,
    • Video.
  • Jump to Web page:
    • WeChat article – best user experience as the page loads quickly, and beautiful posts can be created.
    • External website – not recommended since if the website is hosted outside of China, it will be extremely slow. If it is in English, it will be discouraging to readers.
  • Jump to Mini Program

Jump to ‘WeChat Article’ is the most user-friendly solution. 

WeChat Menu GB  WeChat Menu PG

How to create a menu?

Step 1: On the top left of your public account page, you’ll notice a “menu” icon appear after you’ve created your service account or had your subscription account certified.

Step 2: Create three first-level menu items and second-level sub-menu items for each of them. 

Each menu column name can consist of up to 4 Chinese characters or 8 letters

Each menu tab name can consist of up to 8 Chinese characters or 16 letters

Step 3: Now it’s time to start creating content for your menu. Click on each item to create content when users click on each tab. As mentioned above you can ideally link it to either one of the messages you just produced, an existing article, WeChat mini program or an external webpage (make sure the webpage displays well on mobile and fast enough for WeChat user standards).

Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for a new menu to appear on your account. Be patient!


Here are the important things to know about the Menu:

  • WeChat menus are becoming one of the most clicked types of content in the WeChat official account ecosystem. 
  • They are your brand information hubs for the Chinese market. 
  • Brands can set at most 3 menu columns with each menu column set a max of 5 sub-menus. In total, a brand has 15 sub-menu tabs to leverage.
  • WeChat’s official account backend allows tracking follower behavior to understand the click rate of each menu. We will cover WeChat menu optimization and other advanced options in our next post. 

Read more about in the second part of this article: WeChat Menu Basics: How to Optimize WeChat Menu?

Are you looking for setting up your very own WeChat Menu? Please get in touch with our team. We apply our knowledge and experience to assist businesses in forming meaningful connections and expanding their consumer base in China. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong