Exploring New Horizons: Uncovering the Latest Developments in China’s Market

1.Wechat Channel releases the “flash purchase” new function, only to specific categories opened

The Channel has unveiled the conditions for its “flash purchase” service, allowing retailers to facilitate online ordering during live broadcasts for specific users. To activate this feature, merchants must meet certain criteria related to their business category, qualifications, credit, product quality, and sales volume. The flash purchase products must be physical and described fully during live broadcasts, matching the invoice card and product information. Flash sale items can only be sold during live broadcasts, and the sale ends either when the broadcast concludes or when stock is depleted.

Merchants can create flash purchase orders for particular users, which are accessible only to those users. Multiple intended users can also be targeted with flash orders, but the same user can’t have duplicate orders and must create new ones after successful payment.


2.Bus rentals become this autumn’s hottest wedding trend

The usual Golden Week marriage boom came as expected this year, but so too did a fresh take on the traditional Chinese wedding custom of 接亲, or “picking up the bride”.

In a down-to-earth spin on the tradition, some young couples teamed up with local transport departments to create a bespoke “wedding bus” experience. In this trend, public buses decked out in DIY wedding decorations carry the wedding party to their venue, instead of the typical suite of austere luxury cars.

The top wedding bus post on the lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu, which garnered over 20,000 likes. 

With birth and marriage rates sinking lower and lower in China, state-led campaigns to encourage marriage and childrearing have become pervasive and transparent. Trends like wedding buses breathe new life into staid traditions and allow Gen Z and millennials to take ownership of these highly personal life decisions. 

LINK: https://daoinsights.com/news/bus-rentals-become-this-autumns-hottest-wedding-trend/


3.Is there a solution to China’s $81 billion ‘daigou’ gray market?

  • With young consumers having grown accustomed to purchasing from daigou, the market is growing at lightning speed. 
  • According to report, “The Daigou Index 2.0,” China’s gray market size is an estimated $81 billion (600 billion RMB), having expanded by over 40 percent since 2019.
  • Daigou can offer tax-free products, which are more affordable than purchases made within China. And even some brands don’t even have counters”.
  • Aspirational middle-class consumers are becoming more cautious with their spending. And as a result, they may prefer to buy products at a discount rate from daigou rather than purchasing directly from the brands.
  • In addition, Chinese Gen Z shoppers are keen on discovering and experimenting with new brands – gray market importers’ ability to access limited-edition or products unavailable in China has made the sector popular among young consumers.



4.WeChat Luxury Index 2023: How to Connect With 1.3 Billion Consumers?

  • WeChat has evolved into a vital platform for brands to engage and convert Chinese consumers, extending beyond mere communication.
  • WeChat’s various components, like Mini Program, Channels, WeCom, and Official Account, create a seamless customer journey loop. It has evolved into a primary direct-to-consumer (DTC) channel, offering services and information, challenging traditional websites. Brands can accompany customers from acquaintance to purchase, nurturing their private domains on WeChat.
  • WeChat’s open rates for articles have declined, partly due to muted notification settings for Service Accounts and follower disinterest.
  • Brands have adapted content strategies, pushing content less frequently but more focused on ROI.
  • Menu clicks and service-related behaviors have gained prominence, with over 55% of menu engagements being CRM-related.
  • Brands are redirecting efforts and investments to other WeChat assets, but Official Account content remains vital.
  • Brands capture more data through Mini Programs, with 85% of behavioral data collected from them, enhancing consumer profiles and WeChat strategies.

LINK: https://www.luxurysociety.com/en/articles/2023/10/wechat-luxury-index-2023-how-connect-13-billion-consumers



5. Coca-Cola teams up with Holiland for futuristic AI chocolate

  • Coca-Cola and bakery brand Holiland bring out a new flavour of Holiland’s popular ‘Dandelion Air Chocolate’ truffle.
  • This time they co-created with AI and named Y3000. On Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblogging platform, ‘#可口可乐 好利来#‘ (#Cocacola Holiland) gained 27 million views, peaking at number 6 on the hot search list.  
  • This collaboration comes after the release of Coca-Cola’s Y3000 Zero Sugar Coke, an AI co-created soda of the future.
  • Holiland has been on a streak of crossovers including Hello Kitty and Rick & Morty
  • Now that AI is playing a bigger role in China’s digital economy, this co-branded chocolate feels like a natural next step for both parties.  

LINK: https://daoinsights.com/news/coca-cola-teams-up-with-holiland-for-futuristic-ai-chocolate/ 

Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring the Latest Developments in China’s Market

Tencent officially launched its large language model

  • Chinese tech giant Tencent officially launched its Hunyuan large language model at the company’s Global Digital Ecosystem Summit.
  • The move comes several months after fellow Chinese tech giants Alibaba and Baidu launched their own AI products.
  • The full stack self-developed Hunyuan LLM with over a hundred billion parameters is trained with 2 trillion tokens of pre-training data. It possesses strong capabilities in Chinese language comprehension, content creation, logical reasoning, and task execution.
  • In the future, the Hunyuan model will support Tencent Cloud’s MaaS (Model-as-a-Service), with customers able to directly access it through APIs and use it as a foundational model to develop applications for various industry scenarios, Tencent said.

LINK: https://www.jiemian.com/article/10057854.html


Publish without notification display in the homepage

  • When an article is posted, there will be two buttons, one to publish to all and one to publish without notification.
  • Publish without notification means that published content is not pushed to users. However, now the published content will be displayed on the home page of your WeChat account. The published article can also be forwarded to friends, friends in your circle, set for automatic replies, deleted, and so on.
  • Although, only fans can actively come to the home page to see the post article, if businesses publish frequently, it will end up making the home page look very busy. This then points to the need to be careful when using the post function in the future.


Xiaohongshu embarks on the era of “personal shoppers”, boosting social commerce

  • After the livestream momentum gained by the Chinese actress Dong Jie and subsequently KOL Zhang Xiaohui, Xiaohongshu now seeks to give influencers the official title of “personal shoppers”, stepping up efforts in social commerce.
  • The move closely follows the just concluded Red-commerce Partner Week 2023, which was hosted on August 24 in Shanghai. Touting the tagline “Entering the era of personal shoppers”, the event also marked the public debut of Xiaohongshu’s e-commerce division.
  • “Personal shoppers” would “play a crucial role in connecting merchants and consumers”. “The first things personal shoppers on Xiaohongshu need to work on is to understand the specific needs of their target audience, they are expected to direct other users to the products they are looking for.” As such, “personal shoppers” would act as upgraded KOLs, bringing together the content-focused “Community” and e-commerce ecosystems that are not yet well integrated on the platform.
  • This shows the ambition of Xiaohongshu in setting itself apart in the much-contested territory of e-commerce from existing experts such as Douyin (Chinese TikTok) and its rival Kuaishou by differentiating its approach to “influencing” consumers to that adopted by other social media platforms.
  • Such a practice also appears to be more persuasive and appealing to Xiaohongshu’s user demographics, which are economically satisfied and more knowledgeable in fields related to their interests.




China Sets Filing Requirements for Smart Phone Applications

  • On 4 August 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) set a timeline to enforce the filing of mobile applications (APPs), in the published Notice on Carrying out the Filing of Mobile Internet Applications (Notice). 
  • APPs that are pre-installed on a smart phone or downloaded by users, should conduct filing through their network access service providers. For example, an APP hosted on Tencent Cloud’s cloud service should conduct filing through the Tencent Cloud portal. 
  • APPs based on API that users can use without installation, such as mini programs, quick apps, etc. should conduct filing through their distribution platform. For example, mini programs in WeChat should conduct filing through the WeChat portal. 
  • A foreign company that operates an App in China can register its Chinese subsidiary or representative office as the APP holder. Alternatively, it can enter into a cooperation agreement with a local partner.

LINK: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/w2xLVI75H4X59DRR5rODNA 



China’s newest viral collab: megabrands Luckin Coffee x Moutai join forces

  • Many young Chinese people are tasting their first cup of luxury liquor—Kweichow Moutai — at domestic café chain Luckin Coffee. The two beverage giants partnered up to co-create a new flavor of latte, Moutai Latte (酱香拿铁), which was released today. 
  • The collaboration was an instant hit, with long queues forming outside the 10,000-plus Luckin coffee shops distributed across China, and several related hashtags topping Weibo’s Hot List, each with over 100 million views. 
  • Through the partnership with Luckin Coffee, Moutai is using a fresh way to popularize its product’s taste and brand among China’s younger demographic. 
  • The collaboration seems to be a winning formula for both. The high-low partnership has tapped China’s guochao trend, offered surprise, delight, and nostalgia for consumers, and earned both brands new virality. 

LINK: https://jingdaily.com/luckin-coffee-moutai-collaboration/ 



‘Mom skincare’ —China’s maturing Gen X consumers give rise to new beauty opportunities

  • The cohort of 60-years-plus consumers could provide a new growth engine for skincare and personal care labels.
  • The options for mature skin are lacking, with many major local and global brands focusing on launching skincare lines for young women and men.
  • China’s Gen X consumers are big savers and users of high-end skincare labels. They have more knowledge about skincare and beauty than the preceding generation had.
  • Older consumers rank anti-aging effects as the top product function. However, hydration and moisturization also rank highly.
  • Brands have deployed celebrities in their 40s and 50s to endorse their skincare lines and promote their products on Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu. 

LINK: https://jingdaily.com/chinas-gen-x-saves-big-but-also-consumes-high-end-skincare/

From Gurus to Game-Changers: Embracing Key Opinion Professionals in Content Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the pillars of communication strategies for all brands wishing to make their footprint in China. These influencers referred in China as KOLs, or Key Opinion Leaders, are individuals who have established themselves as experts or influential figures in specific industries or fields, particularly in the realm of social media and digital marketing. They have amassed a large and engaged following on platforms like Weibo, WeChat, RED,  Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok), and other social media channels. KOLs hold significant sway over their followers’ opinions and purchasing decisions. Their presence is crucial for brands looking to market their products or services to a Chinese audience. We wrote more about idol economy and who KOLs are on our blog.

💄 Discover more about RED and RED marketing

But in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, a new breed of influencers is capturing the limelight and revolutionizing the way brands connect with their audiences. Today we’ll introduce you to Key Opinion Professionals (KOPs), how they are transforming content marketing, and why brands are swooning over their compelling charm.

Meet the Trailblazers: Key Opinion Professionals (KOPs)

Emerging from the domains of influencer marketing, KOPs offer a novel vantage point within the realm of content marketing. Contrary to KOLs, this type of content creators offer a profound exploration into their specialization, unique knowledge, and entrancing revelations.

They are not your typical influencers, by any means. Usually, KOPs boast a high education and a wealth of experience in their chosen fields. The internet age has turned them into digital artisans, sharing their wisdom through captivating visuals and videos. They entice both devoted fans and new consumers looking for professional opinion.

Chinese consumers highly rely on word-of-mouth when buying a product. They are greatly influenced by recommendations from people they are following on social media. In 2022, 86% of Chinese users visited different online communities to search for related product offers before placing order. This all to reduce potential risk and dissapointment. However, consumers are aware of professionalization of KOLs therefore they start to seek advice from experts in their respective fields.

🇨🇳 Different types of Chinese consumers: Silver Generation

KOPs – Unlocking the Secrets of Vertical Content

Naturally, KOL and KOC tend to emphasize their personal experiences and highlighting advantages of the products often supplied by brands. Unlike KOLs’ broad viewpoints and KOCs’ personal experiences, KOPs take users on an discovery ride through the vastness of their respective vertical knowledge in fields considered relatively niche.

They often represent the industries such as health, technology, engineering, or even law. They dissect product formulas, decode compositions, and unravel the mysteries of consumers’ favorite goods. All of that with the precision and thoughtfulness of seasoned experts. Their professional knowledge comes from years of education and experience. That’s why they possess such ease and confidence in discussing matters that won’t be possible to discover by KOLs. 

Examples of KOPs


罗翔 is a law professor at People’s University of China, with 28.5 million followers on Bilibili, he shares deep insights about law, and he also makes content about how ordinary people can live a better and more meaningful life with more understandings about law. He also makes content about philosophy and book reviews.

王德峰 is a philosophy professor at Fudan University, equipped with vast range of knowledge in philosophy, art and music. His unique and interesting way of delivering Chinese and western life philosophy had great impact on young users.

武志红 is a psychologist and a best seller writer, has made his fame publishing several best seller books including the controversial 《巨婴国》The Country of  Giant Babies. Active on Chinese social media, he often shares his take from a professional psychologist POV on recent society affairs.

Key Opinion Leader KOPs

尹烨 is the CEO of 华大集团BGIa pharmaceutical company), graduated from Columbia university with a PHD, he specializes in life sciences and he has made his appearance on several popular interview shows which attracted huge attention, then he started his own social media channel and is now making content mostly about science, technology and biology.

With more than 30 million followers on douyin, 虎哥说车 mainly creates interesting and insightful content about cars, he started in video sector very early on and has constant resources to controversial cars.

KOPs – Why Brands Fell in Love?

Even though most of KOPs started posting online out of willingness to spread their knowledge, brand quickly took notice. In a world where cautious consumers rule the roost, KOPs are the superheroes that brands crave. 82% of consumers meticulously scrutinize products before purchasing, seeking safety and efficacy. KOPs enter the spotlight with their arsenal of professional insights and authentic recommendations. Effectively, they can be the element that make the difference and seal the deal in the ever-growing decision-making process. For example, beauty brands can work with skincare doctors or chemists to discuss product formulas and give their recommendations based on ingredients used. B2B brands are also more likely to work with KOPs than KOLs due to the nature of their offering. 


Unleashing the Power of KOP, KOL, and KOC

The secret formula to content marketing success is the mighty combination of KOL, KOC, and now KOP. When these forces unite, brands can increase their share of voice and captivate users across multiple platforms.  KOLs reach their mass audiences and KOCs add their flair with personal touchpoints, while KOPs help users to confirm their purchase decision with authoritative product endorsements.



While KOP marketing is a relatively new concept. However it’s surely a much needed phenomenon in the highly saturated influencer industry. Consumers seek for more authenticity and reliable source of information. KOPs with their mastery of vertical expertise, combined with the allure of KOLs and the authenticity of KOCs, makes for an unbeatable trio. As consumers increasingly seek genuine recommendations and professional knowledge, KOPs are soaring high as trusted beacons of influence. In the coming years, we will surely see more and more influencers wearing lab coats and other professional attires populating feeds of the top Chinese platforms. 

What’s new in e-commerce?

Why Experience, Story and Video Are Key Sales Drivers in Chinese Cross-Border Commerce


Tmall adopts a slower, more drawn-out strategy intended to entice customers with a wide variety of options, while Amazon places a premium on speed and convenience, with quick conversions and brief visits. Amazon is extremely quick in and quick out, and its search algorithm is built around helping you find the product you want as quickly as possible. 

Tmall is more concerned with presenting you with more brands, a wider variety, and as many different product images as it can. The goal of Tmall’s strategy, which is to interact with customers, is to do more than just make sales. China has essentially made shopping into a game in terms of e-commerce.

The app gives you the impression that you are there to experience something rather than to make a purchase while you are using it. Tmall does a great job of encouraging businesses to post more content, both user-generated and branded. Live Streaming and live videos have increased significantly.



Alibaba to scale up cross-border e-commerce activities


As domestic consumption on the mainland continues to decline, Alibaba Group Holding is stepping up efforts to expand its cross-border e-commerce operations through a new campaign with authorities in Hangzhou, the capital of eastern Zhejiang province. This initiative aims to support more Chinese exporters as they expand abroad.

Other Chinese cities have also made plans to increase the volume of international e-commerce, demonstrating a wider support for the recovery of the mainland’s economy.

Through its various subsidiaries, including the international Tmall and Taobao Marketplace operations, the Southeast Asian e-commerce platform Lazada, and the global retail site AliExpress, Alibaba has connections to the Hangzhou pilot zone.



JD.com Launches Robotic Shops “ochama” in the Netherlands


Two robotic stores under the new brand name “ochama” were launched by JD.com, a leading supply chain-based technology and service provider, on January 10th, 2022, in the Netherlands. Additional locations will be added soon. The new store model introduces a previously unheard-of shopping format that combines home delivery service, pick-up shops where robots prepare the packages, and online ordering.

JD.com has never before had a physical retail location in Europe. Ochama, which combines “omni-channel” and “amazing,” is the first Dutch omni-channel retailer to provide both food and non-food items in a single shopping app.

Through ochama’s App, where a full range of A-brand products are offered covering fresh & packaged food, home appliances, beauty, maternal and child products, fashion, home furnishings, and more, customers can conveniently order products online using the omni-channel model.


Top Chinese E-commerce Platforms and Fees to Expect

The Chinese e-commerce market is the largest in the world and generated €867 billion in revenue in 2019. From 2020 to 2024, the annual growth rate of e-commerce in China is projected to be 6.9%.  Obviously, many overseas companies are tempted to enter the market and cater to millions of potential new consumers. Be it the youngest Gen Z or Chinese grandmas who are eager to spend more during their retirement, with a great product and market strategy it’s a great chance for brands to tip their toes.

👵🏻 Read more about China’s silver generation and their growing purchasing power and habits

This appeals to international businesses as well as the local business community, resulting in cross-border online trade. In 2022, it was estimated that the import e-commerce retail market would be worth close to 559 billion yuan. The most popular e-commerce platforms are Tmall, JD, Xiaohongshu, and WeChat. However, you will see there are plenty more e-commerce sites in China.  

No matter the size of your brand, the first step and choosing the right platform can be paralyzing. Companies quickly realize that the entry barriers to the biggest Chinese shopping platforms are challenging starting with the paperwork to e-commerce fees, steep deposits, and commissions.

One of the most attractive e-commerce models especially for niche or small brands that want just to test the waters would be cross-border e-commerce. Therefore more platforms offer this option now.

In China, cross-border e-commerce is distinguished by the fact that overseas companies are permitted to offer some goods to Chinese consumers online at favorable tariff rates and without the need for a business license. However, solution comes with some limitations we highlight in our previous article but nevertheless, it can be a very attractive way to kick off in China.

🇨🇳 Learn more about cross-border e-commerce and if it’s a solution for your brand

Let’s look at how much it costs to sell goods on these platforms in China, the pros and cons, and see which one can be the best fit for you.


Tmall, formerly Taobao Mall, is a platform for business-to-consumer online retail, spun off from Taobao, and operated by Alibaba Group. It’s a highly reputable marketplace where all sellers are verified by the platform. In addition, Tmall has several solutions for brands that want to sell on the platform including cross-border sales.


Tmall General:

  • For Tmall general trade, the security deposit is $7,500. 
  • A deposit is required from vendors to open a Tmall store. The deposit is primarily used to ensure that retailers follow the Tmall Service Agreement and Tmall Rules so that expenses are covered in the event that retailers break any rules.
  • To use Tmall, an annual e-commerce fee of $4,500 must be paid. Depending on the merchant’s category, a yearly fee is paid at the time of settlement.
  • Suitable for brands that have Chinese business license.

Registration fee: USD 7,500 deposit + USD 4,500 annual tech support fee

Commissions:  8-12%


Tmall Global:

  • Cross-border solution
  • Suitable for overseas brands
  • Doesn’t require a local warehouse in China
  • Access to Tmall’s services including live-streaming and advertising

Registration fee: USD 7,500 deposit + USD 9,000 annual tech support fee

Commissions:  8-12%


Tmall mini-store:

  • Cross-border solution
  • Suitable for niche or small brands
  • Listed as sub-store on Tmall direct flagship
  • Suitable for smaller collections or products that can be shipped to China separately (maximum 3 products)

Registration fee: USD 4,500 deposit

Commissions:  4-12%



As Tmall, JD also offers solutions both for brands that have legal entity in China and cross-border players.


JD General:

  • When creating a new account, JD.com requests a deposit starting from USD 4,500 and higher.
  • For the majority of categories, the commission is between 2 and 5%.
  • Suitable for brands that are already in China

Registration fee: USD 4,500 deposit+

Monthly fee: USD 150

Commissions:  2-10%


JD Global:

  • Through a new partnership between JD and Shopify, merchants on that platform now have access to a new sales channel with a simpler onboarding process and better exchange rates through the marketplace.
  • Fees and requirements appear to be more demanding than Tmall

Registration fee: USD 15,000 deposit+

Monthly fee: USD 1,000+

Commissions:  2-5%


Xiaohongshu / RED

  • Suitable for lifestyle and fashion brands
  • Recently, RED tries to be more brand-friendly and lower the commission costs. These do not include marketing expenditures, influencer commissions, or fulfillment fees.
  • Account set-up guide >>> here

Registration fee: Case-by-case basis (normally USD 3,500)

Monthly fee: None

Commissions:  5% (reduced from 20% before)

Recently, we covered another quickly expanding platform dubbed ‘the RED but for men’.  You might have heard of Poizon also called Dewu on the Chinese market.

WeChat Mini-Programs as Alternative to Big Platforms

purchasing journey wechat mini programs

WeChat’s own mini-program-based online shop can be a great solution for brands that are not keen on costly registration fees and commissions. However, on the other side if you decide to go with the mini program you will have to figure out the storage, deliveries, refunds, and other logistics by yourself which the big platforms usually cover.  Due to that, you will need to build the mini program by yourself.

In addition, another amazing advantage of a mini program store is that you are the owner of the data. Also, WeChat users who are already your followers are more known to be more likely to convert to customers and normally the average purchase is bigger than those on other platforms. We covered the pros and cons and how the most successful brands do it on our blog.

🛍 Why selling on WeChat can be better than selling on Tmall and other platforms?

In conclusion, the Chinese e-commerce market is in a fascinating state right now. And platforms are vying to have the best appeal to clients and businesses. However, nothing seems to be offered for free. In other words, brands must invest in order to sell products on these e-commerce platforms because of the publicity and sales they generate. Above all, China’s famous e-commerce festivals like 11.11 called Singles’ Day or 6.18 are a great opportunity for brands to generate more sales.

If you wish to know more about e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce in China or other marketing techniques, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their networks among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us at contact@thewechatagency.com.

Selling On WeChat: How Brands Can Do and Is it Better Than Other E-commerce Platforms?

 When you’re entering the Chinese market you might wonder if selling on WeChat is a good strategy. With over 1.26 billion monthly active users and 78% of Chinese people aged 16 to 64 using WeChat, the Chinese application is definitely a key player in Chinese social networks and e-commerce.

Before Tencent announced the new birth of “WeChat shop” in July of 2014, the phrase “WeChat e-commerce” didn’t even exist. Now, after several years, it’s the sweatiest pie in town, and every company wants a piece. Can it be that WeChat e-commerce is even more attractive for foreign brands than well-established players like Tmall? Or even new solutions of cross-border e-commerce available on RED? 

🇨🇳 What is Cross-border e-commerce?

What makes WeChat particularly attractive for foreign brands looking to connect and sell in China apart from its huge size, it’s the uniquely smooth user journey. Paraphrasing Ariana Grande it’s literally an ‘I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it’ approach and let us tell you why. In the second part of this article, you will see why it might be even more beneficial for you to start with a WeChat e-commerce instead of other shopping platforms.   

WeChat Journey

A quick note, brands still cannot share links to their Taobao or Tmall stores on their official WeChat account. We might see it coming soon as relations between Alibaba and Tencent are slowly warming up.

Selling on WeChat – Owned E-commerce 

The e-commerce landscape has changed a lot over the years: from the Yellow Pages-style online catalogs to one-click, same-day delivery.

The transition away from the classic search-based model of selling on WeChat is continuing at a rapid pace in China. China has the world’s most advanced e-commerce business. New interactive experiences replace the old ones that more closely resemble how people buy in the real world while still being entertaining.

WeChat offers a variety of strategic services to assist businesses to compete in the Chinese e-commerce sector.

First Things First

The first stage is to create a store with a user-friendly localized design and extensive selling capabilities including campaign marketing, coupons, flash deals, group purchasing, and a membership loyalty program.

WeChat’s mini-program, which is backed by a marketing automation platform, allows advertisers to automatically uncover sales opportunities among WeChat followers based on behavioral and purchase data analysis, as customers want increasingly personalized experiences. Brands can better nurture high-potential clients at all phases of the customer journey, from WeChat Official Account to WeChat Mini-Program, as well as automate promotional activities, reducing conversion time and increasing conversion rates.

Step 1: Register an official account

Brand posts on WeChat, unlike Facebook or Instagram, do not appear on the main social feed. Instead, they appear in the chat interface of WeChat.  WeChat Official Accounts can be used for marketing in one of two ways:

  1. Service accounts on WeChat:  For WeChat users, these accounts show alongside “friends.” They are highly prominent, however, you can only receive four push alerts per month.
  2. Accounts for WeChat subscriptions: These accounts have the ability to publish items on a daily basis (one push notification per day), but they are less prominent than service accounts. They show up in a “subscription” folder that readers must open to see the most recent articles.

Step 2: Start a WeChat mini-program store

WeChat mini-program stores are e-commerce experiences that are integrated into the WeChat app. By launching a WeChat store, a company can make its products available on the platform through a myriad of touchpoints. These include articles, WeChat search, live-streaming, and QR codes, which are constantly developing. 

WeChat stores have various distinct advantages:

  • Within WeChat, you may search for stores.
  • Customers can pay with WeChat during the checkout process.
  • Customers can authenticate themselves using WeChat’s one-click log-in feature.
  • Your store can use WeChat to pre-fill the user’s shipping addresses.
  • Improved WeChat influencer campaigns integration
  • Influencers can link directly to a WeChat store from a WeChat article.
  • You may provide your customers with a native in-app shopping experience
  • Clients can save on special deals, coupons and more.

Additionally, the WeChat mini-program, which can be integrated with a cross-border payment function, allows Chinese users to pay in RMB using WeChat Pay. After that, the funds will be sent to the brands in their respective currencies. The mini-program also offers cross-border logistical services to help with international shipping and legal customs clearance. 

WEChat Mini programs

Accessible through over 60 alternative entry points…

Since every stage of the user route is optimized for WeChat, conversion rates are also substantially higher. Because of the intimate closed-loop luxury purchases are increasingly growing on WeChat. Brands like Gucci or Dior are regularly leveraging Moments ads. 

How to set up a WeChat store

WeChat stores are not directly provided by WeChat. They’re not the same as Facebook Shops or Google Listings in that regard. WeChat, on the other hand, provides a toolset (SDK and API) that allows merchants to construct WeChat stores using a proprietary programming language. The WeChat store was built using a framework based on the widely popular JavaScript programming language.

You have two alternatives as a merchant when it comes to setting up a WeChat mini-program store:

  1. Develop a fully customized mini-program
  2. Use of a software-as-a-service WeChat store provider like Youzan or Weidian 

Step 3: Promote your WeChat shop

As WeChat posts are not visible to people who don’t follow you on WeChat, a thorough marketing plan is equally necessary to make your mini-program accessible and approachable. 

Marketers may use KOLs’ live-streaming and advertising, especially Moment Ad, in the Tencent ecosystem to drive high-quality traffic and sales conversions.

WeChat offers three different forms of ads: WeChat Moment ads, WeChat Mini-program ads, and WeChat article ads.

WeChat is a great SEO tool as well. Its social search engines can have a significant impact on word-of-mouth marketing for firms as they attempt to be relevant. WeChat keeps expanding the reach of its ecosystem, which already connects one billion active monthly users, using its own search feature.

WeChat Channels are becoming the next big thing when it comes to social commerce. We covered live streaming selling and how to prepare the best strategies to attract customers and increase sales. Check it here >>> Live Streaming on WeChat Channels 🔥

Live Streaming Channels

What Sets WeChat Apart From Other e-commerce Platforms?

WeChat is superior to other Chinese e-commerce platforms because it combines the reach of a giant with the convenience of a smaller platform. When you use WeChat, it’s much easier to reach out to buyers, especially if you’re selling shoes or apparel.

WeChat’s social features are also greatly beneficial to your business. With just one click, you may send personalized messages to customers, such as “I’m attempting to figure out what size shoe I need.”

Another benefit is that you can tell which things are selling well by looking at the demographics of the people who are buying them—for example, if the majority of your customers are women over 30, there may be something about that age group that works for your business.

Plus, on WeChat, there’s always something fresh to see! While browsing merchandise, you may keep up with the latest news stories or watch hilarious videos.

However, the most important thing for any business entering China or trying to expand its sales would be entry barriers. Requirements and fees for Tmall and its solutions for cross-border e-commerce are notoriously steep. They start from a 4,500 USD security deposit, high sales commissions (up to 12%), and often require dedicated warehouses. Major platforms also highly restrict data ownership and advertising options.

On the contrary, creating your own mini-program means you own your data and you have full flexibility in terms of your store operations and promotions. You don’t need to pay any upfront fees to the platform or pay commissions on sales. The drawback is that you will need to secure your own traffic to the store which is normally much easier to achieve when you go with the e-commerce players like JD or Tmall. 


Customers on a number of e-commerce platforms, including WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, etc., enjoy the rapidly evolving Chinese market. Chinese consumers spend a lot of time reading about other people’s shopping experiences and avoid purchasing unfamiliar things. To keep the brand’s reputation positive, customer word-of-mouth is crucial.

However, the Western market and the marketing techniques that support it are significantly dissimilar from the Chinese market. Thus, in order to successfully join the Chinese market, it is crucial to adjust your marketing methods in addition to localizing your products. To keep up a healthy relationship with users, brands need to establish a strong online presence and engage with them frequently.

Additionally, now WeChat allows for Shopify integration so you can keep all information within one place. Get in touch with us for more details. 

When it comes to e-commerce platforms, WeChat appears to be the ideal choice in China. WeChat is a strong ecosystem for brand launches in China. Companies can expand swiftly in the Chinese market by utilizing influencers and cross-border payments, positioning themselves for future growth through collaborations with offline distributors or other platforms like Tmall.

If you wish to know more about marketing in China, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact at contact@thewechatagency.com.

What Is Dewu?

You probably hear a lot about RED, one of the biggest UGC (User Generated Content) platforms in China. Well, there is another one that is super popular among Chinese millennials and Gen Z, that is DEWU (得物), previously known as POIZON or Du (毒).

Shanghai Shizhuang Information Technology Co., Ltd. launched Dewu, commonly known as Poizon, an online shopping app. It is China’s largest fashion brand exchange and trading platform, including features such as evaluating the validity of fashion labels and trend sharing. Product listings, trade mechanisms, and unified delivery are all subject to strict authenticity checks.

Poizon Dewu

Dewu’s USP

The “identify first, ship later” shopping approach is Dewu’s unique selling point. Trendy shoes, fashion, watches, accessories, gaming, digital and home appliances, beauty, vehicles, and more are among the product categories. At the same time, by consistently accumulating fashion content, Dewu is becoming a trend indicator and voice for young users as a trendy lifestyle network for young people. 

People can also share their impressions and discuss their purchases with other users. For example, the app boasts a thriving community of sneakerheads who discuss the latest releases on the platform. As a result, the most trending topics of discussion revolve around sneakers, fashion brands, celebrities, street culture, cars, watches, and fashion art, all of which are popular among young people.

Poizon Dewu Poizon Dewu Poizon Dewu

Growth of Dewu

Dewu App has become synonymous with “quality e-commerce”, leading the new demand for quality consumption

The Dewu platform’s total revenue in 2019 was 7 billion yuan, with sneakers accounting for the majority of that. The domestic second-hand shoe market was nearly monopolized by this app. In the same year, the app had accumulated 47 million product identifications. 

In 2020, the number of identifications will have expanded dramatically, surpassing 60 million, with roughly 40 million active monthly.

According to Fan Ruan, Dewu’s MAU (Monthly Active User) hit 81 million in May 2021, representing an increase of 8% month over month. 

Key User of Dewu

The structure and demographics of Dewu’s DAUs (Daily Active Users) is very interesting as the ratio of male to female users on Dewu is 52:48. This is in stark contrast to RED, which has a predominantly female user base.

Dewu has a sizable percentage of young customers. The post-90s generation accounts for more than 75% of the total. These young people are the driving force behind online consumption and the architects of the new online economy’s future development. They consume with strong personal qualities. They are not only open to trying new products, but they are also more willing to share their consumer experiences with others and strive for a positive consumer experience. 

When it comes to China, 61% of Gen Z is looking for brands that will set them apart. As a result, Dewu is a platform that assists Gen Z in meeting its needs. 

Why do more and more brands choose Dewu(得物)?

Dewu’s app store ranking has been in the top ten for quite some time. Dewu has now become a “platform level” product, based on the IOS store rankings and the average daily downloads of more than 100000 users. Because of that, Dewu is attracting an increasing number of companies and service providers.

At present, more than 5,000 brands have settled in, mostly fashion wear brands and high-end brands, such as sports brands Adidas, luxury brands such as Coach, Michael Kors, Armani, and so on.

The reason why high-end brands choose Dewu is mainly due to the following two points:

  1. The user group and consumer demand are expanding.
    The consumer demand of users grows as user groups expand: male users are interested in shoes, watches, accessories, and men’s apparel; female users look for more women’s clothing, beauty makeup, and skincare goods, among other things. There is space for brand development due to consumer demand.

    At the same time, the “post-90s” account for more than 80% of property users, according to the most recent government statistics. Young people are the target audience for high-end brands.
  2. The content community system is also good for the brand.
    The platform will guide customers to consistently develop high-quality content in Dewu’s content community system. When producing news on Dewu, for example, the platform will provide “high-quality strategic advice” to help people write high-quality news.

Dewu’s current content community, like Xiaohongshu’s, is in UGC mode, with many KOL and MCN institutions settling in. According to official public data, Dewu collaborated with approximately 100 MCN institutions in the first half of 2021.

Incentive for brands

The platform offers a number of benefits that attract top businesses to collaborate with the platform. They are as follows:

  • Discounted pricing for businesses (Lower cost and faster shipment)
  • The user interface is simple (high-speed operation)
  • Service of operation (New product launches, operation guidance, marketing activities, community promotions)
  • Customer service from a single merchant (Efficient response, fast payment)

Poizon Dewu Poizon DewuPoizon Dewu

Step-by-Step Process on Becoming a Seller on Dewu

The registration process for sellers is similar to that of other Chinese e-commerce platforms. There are various steps to it.

Step 1: Create an account and log in.

  • Register the personal user account for the platform
  • Create a password for your account
  • Go to the merchant’s registration page, select “I want to enter,” and read the instructions.

Step 2: Fill in the information

  • Complete the company and brand information, and then submit your qualifications.
  • Next, verify the accuracy of the information before submitting it for evaluation.

Step 3: Wait for the review

  • Within 7 working days, you will receive a response.
  • Check the status of the review, make any necessary changes, or move on to the next step.
  • Confirm the merchant’s agreement to participate.

Step 4: Make a deposit.

  • Go to merchant login backstage
  • Then make payment via online deposit or upload bank account details.


Dewu is a second-hand marketplace with strict anti-counterfeiting measures in place. Consumers are protected by these procedures, which provide them with psychological security by preventing them from spending money until the products have passed an authenticity check.

The platform is great for high-end, limited-edition items. Things such as co-branded items, luxury items, and collectors’ items are some examples. 

The platform also provides room for budding Chinese brands, making it an excellent starting point for those wishing to establish a brand in China.

Are you looking for setting up an e-commerce business on Dewu? Please get in touch with our team. We apply our knowledge and experience to assist businesses in forming meaningful connections and expanding their consumer base in China. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong

Cross Border E-Commerce in China

China’s cross-border e-commerce has drastically matured in recent years. Thanks to the steady increase in industry size, greater integration of supply chain processes, progressive transition to more refined operation, and continued penetration of innovation models, the industry has boomed significantly. 

The import and export trade has existed since the dawn of time, yet despite the Covid-pandemic, the numbers are on the rise. The widespread adoption of online consumption patterns has fuelled the rapid growth of worldwide e-commerce. This has resulted in a steady increase in penetration and sales.  

According to eMarketer, China’s cross-border e-commerce became a new economic accelerator in China, as well as a hot investment and financing area in the capital market, thanks to its solid advantages in high cost-to-performance and high efficiency.

Cross Border E-commerce: What Is It?

Any international sale of a product or service between two parties on an online marketplace platform is referred to as cross border e-commerce. 

It can either be B2C (Business-to-consumer), B2B (Business-to-business), C2C (Customers-to-customer) or D2C (Direct-to-consumer)

Any seller can benefit from cross-border e-commerce if they want to expand their business, investigate new markets and purchasing patterns and/or export what they have to offer in order to reach a larger audience but it can be intimidating to start. 

Cross Border E-commerce in China

In China, cross-border e-commerce is distinguished by the fact that overseas companies are permitted to offer some goods to Chinese consumers online, through platforms such as Alibaba’s Tmall Global and Kaola, at favorable tariff rates and without the need for a business license.

Moreover, the majority of cross-border trades in China are carried out by corporations from other Asian countries, led by Japan and Korea, and closely followed by the United States.

The Chinese Ministry of Finance has implemented few regulations for cross-border purchases since January 2019. The following are the most important for CBEC in China:

  1. The maximum amount for a single transaction has increased from 2,000 RMB (291 USD) to 5,000 RMB (727 USD)
  2. The average annual amount spent across borders climbed from 20,000 RMB (2,909 USD) to 26,000 RMB (3,782 USD) per person.
  3. In China, 63 additional item categories have been added to the positive list for cross-border e-commerce purchases. Sparkling wine, beer, health care items, and workout equipment are among these categories.
  4. The number of cities eligible for the CBEC tax-rebate increased from 15 to 37, including Beijing and Shanghai.
  5. Because of the new regulation, it’s more difficult for Daigou to operate unlawfully. Daigous is a form of surrogate shopping in China as a means to receive cheaper or locally unavailable, often luxury goods, from duty-free shops and foreign countries. 

The Retail Marketplaces of the CBEC

In China, there are various platforms for cross-border e-commerce. Tmall and JD.com are at the top of the list. 

China’s consumers are more educated than they have ever been. As a result, they desire higher-quality goods and are willing to pay a higher price for them. They are educated and shop on the go using mobile devices. The majority of e-commerce shoppers are between the ages of 18 and 34. 

In 2017, the average Chinese online shopper spent RMB12,198 (S$2,558) (iResearch Consulting Group).

Some of the key marketplaces you could consider for cross-border e-commerce are:

  • Tmall & Tmall Global (Alibaba)
  • Kaola (Alibaba)
  • RED (Xiaohongshu)
  • JD Worldwide
  • VipShop
  • Pinduoduo

Most major global brands have a presence on one or more of these platforms because they provide high market exposure and allow them to benefit from the platforms’ high quality and exposure.

What are the benefits of cross-border eCommerce?

The most significant advantage of cross-border eCommerce is that it allows you to extend your business globally and gain exposure to new markets and audiences. Because of that, it will also assist you in increasing the appeal of your business.

With a larger audience, your company’s number of customers and potential consumers will increase, potentially leading to an increase in demand and customer orders. 

Products that are less popular in their home market have been discovered to be more popular beyond borders in some situations. As a result, cross-border e-cmmerce can help you sell slow-moving or outdated inventory.

However, there are a few things to consider before pursuing cross-border e-commerce for your business:

  1. Figure out the suitable platform to sell your products
  2. Know the latest trends and who your consumers are
  3. Understand the rules and regulations
  4. Read up on the geography of your audience
  5. Learn what various partners can do for you

End word

In conclusion, enterprises should prepare themselves by having a thorough awareness of trends, customers, location, legislation, platforms, and the ecosystem. Thank to this, they can effectively access China’s lucrative cross-border e-commerce sector. So there is a lot of homework to do, but there are also a lot of resources.

If you require further support with setting up your account or assistance in learning more about cross-border e-commerce in China,, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong

Read more such articles by clicking the links below:

What Are the Most Important E-commerce Festivals in China?
The Accelerating Growth of Niche Perfume Brands in China
A Quick Guide to Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) Marketing
Establishing A Presence on Xiaohongshu, China’s Popular Fashion Platform

E-commerce Platforms in China

 The Chinese economy has grown at an extraordinary rate in the last three decades. New buying patterns have been shaped by social progress, technology advancements, and rising disposable personal incomes. 

With this growing economy, it’s no surprise that Chinese e-commerce platforms are booming. Live-streaming e-commerce, social e-commerce, and cross-border e-commerce are only a few of the new e-commerce modes that have evolved in the market. 

According to a report released by China’s Ministry of Commerce, national e-commerce transactions totalled 34.82 trillion yuan in 2019. There were 10.63 trillion yuan in online retail sales, up 16.5% from the previous year, with physical goods accounting for 8.52 trillion yuan, or 20.7% of total retail sales in the market, and online retail sales of physical goods accounting for 8.52 trillion yuan, or 20.7% of total retail sales in the market.


E-commerce during the Pandemic

However, the global pandemic has had a significant impact on e-commerce. Many experts agree that Covid-19 has had a big impact on consumer behaviour in the first quarter of 2020. However, by 2021, it is obvious that e-consumers have adjusted to the new global environment, with China’s numbers increasing by 17%.

E-commerce has been able to grow as a result of social networks, which have made promotion, communication, and online purchase easier. Furthermore, Chinese apps such as WeChat have made it easier for consumers to buy things directly from manufacturers.


How can brands leverage e-commerce platforms?

To vary their marketing, brands are increasingly developing a mix of daily short videos and live streams within their own social e-commerce platforms. Unlike traditional out-of-home advertisements, where brands are limited to the number of products advertised, e-commerce platforms may now successfully use social media to quickly showcase a variety of different products in order to attract a larger audience.

Using e-commerce platforms in China can be beneficial to a wide number of enterprises. This has become crucial for businesses as a method for generating organic traffic, accurately identifying a targeted customer audience, standing out from competitors with exclusive discounts, and reducing advertising costs.

In China, there are numerous e-commerce platforms. So, which platform is ideal for you if you want to sell your products online?


Some of China’s leading e-commerce players


  • TMall TMall, or Taobao Mall is a B2C (business-to-consumer) platform.The majority of its merchants are professionals with a legal entity in China’s company registration system. Because all of the goods on Tmall are official and authentic, the average price is higher than on Taobao.The number of international brands and merchants on Tmall Global expanded by 60% year over year as of December 31, 2020. At the same time Paid GMV on Tmall Global increased by 37%.

    This platform is ideal for luxury brands, apparels, electronics, cosmetics and skincare sectors.


  • TaobaoTaobao is China’s largest consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce platform. The website is owned by Alibaba Group, a Chinese internet and technology corporation based in Hangzhou. According to a 2020 report, the platform’s monthly active mobile users reached 902 million, with a rise of 22 million in a single quarter, and yearly active consumers reached 779 million.

    This platform is ideal for all kinds of online businesses.


  • PinduoduoPinduoduo is a new but competitive e-commerce platform in China. It was formed in 2015, yet it only took four years to attain a trillion-yuan gross merchandise volume.  Its main benefit is social e-commerce, where consumers invite their friends to buy things and receive discounts.According to Pinduoduo’s most recent financial report, the number of active purchasers on the platform reached 788.4 million at the end of 2020, up 35% from 585.2 million at the end of 2019.

    This platform is ideal for the agricultural and food sectors.


  • JD.comWhen comparing Taobao to eBay, JD.com, the second largest B2C platform is comparable to Amazon. It primarily sells 3C products, including cell phones, laptops, and home appliances. They source products directly from brands and suppliers, who then distribute them to clients via JD.com’s official courier.JD Daojia, JD.com’s grocery services. With a total GMV of RMB 21.3 billion in 2020, it grew 102.9% from the previous year.

    This platform is ideal for apparel, electronics and fresh food sectors.

Social commerce

  • DouyinOne of the most popular social media networks, Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is working on an e-commerce website. Since June 2020, ByteDance, the company that owns Douyin, has established an e-commerce department as the first level business unit.Douyin E-GMV commerce’s topped 500 billion yuan in February 2020, more than tripling that of 2019.

    This platform is ideal for the cosmetics, accessories, clothes and food sectors

On our blog, we’re also covering e-commerce on Kuaishou. You can also learn how niche perfume brands are accelerating on e-commerce platforms.


The Chinese internet market is by far the largest in the world, with over 850 million subscribers. Even though China has not yet achieved high-income economic status, it is well on its way, with income levels in the largest cities now approaching those of the most advanced economies. 

Furthermore, the country’s technological thirst propels the e-commerce business ahead, making it a leader in a number of categories, including mobile commerce and payments.

The current situation today in the Chinese eCommerce market is exciting. Because platforms are competing to be the most appealing to customers and companies. This competition not only implies more tools for merchants and consumers, but it also means less stringent registration criteria for companies looking to register on these platforms. 

Hence, this is an ideal way for international companies to reach the Chinese market. If you require further support with setting up your account please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong

What Are the Most Important E-commerce Festivals in China?

China is not just the world’s most populous country, but it also has the most internet users. And with about one billion online shoppers, the country has the world’s largest and fastest-growing e-commerce market.

The Chinese e-commerce business has evolved significantly over the years, revolutionizing the traditional system for both customers and sellers. Needless to say, the e-commerce market exploded in 2020 as a result of COVID-19, particularly in China, causing an increasing number of firms to want to start selling online. 

And one of the market’s driving forces is the China shopping festivals, which is a massive retail event where firms slash prices in honor of Chinese culture, history, and plain old consumerism. Therefore, all international firms looking to grow their sales in 2021 and beyond should learn about China’s biggest and most important e-commerce festivals.


Here at the top 5 e-commerce festivals in China:


  • National Day/Golden Week

Golden Week, which commemorates the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, begins on October 1st with National Day and lasts until October 7th. It is China’s longest public holiday, and it generates huge business for international brands.

The total sales for overseas brands on Tmall increased by about 80% last year and several international cross-border e-commerce platforms also reported a significant rise in sales. Luxury brands in particular perform well during this time, with several companies reporting a 60% boost in sales in 2020.


  • Double 11 Shopping festival

The Double 11 shopping festival, also known as Singles Day, is the king of all global retail events. During the festival periods in November 2020, Alibaba and JD earned $155 billion in sales.

With more than 250,000 brands and 800 million consumers participating, last year’s sales were recorded as more than RMB 372.3 billion (US$56 billion).


  • 12.12 Shopping Festival 

Alibaba introduced the 12.12 or Double 12 Shopping Festival on November 12th in 2010 for customers who were still looking for good deals after Singles Day. The Double 12 shopping festival is one of the largest in the South Asian online buying marketplace and it is that time of year when careful planning and organisation can pay off handsomely for a seller.

Due to rising customer interest, the event resulted in a 4-5 fold increase in online traffic, 60% unique visitors, and a 2 second average order rate. Last year, 18,000 orders were placed in a single day, with an average spend of 125 SGD per customer.


  • Nian Huo Festival 

The Spring Festival, also known as Nian Huo, commemorates the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls in the month of Jan-Feb

Since Chinese New Year is such a popular festival, discounts are available across a variety of platforms, though market giants like Alibaba and JD tend to attract significant crowds. This famous holiday brought in more than $155 million in retail sales in 2019, and sales of imported goods climbed by 2.3 percent year over year in 2020.



  • International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, observed on March 8th, has become a lucrative shopping festival in China for female-oriented brands in China.

According to the Chinese Research Centre for E-commerce, 70% of Chinese women prefer to shop online rather than offline. As a result, this is an important e-commerce festival to participate in. Last year, Tmall’s “Own Yourself, Love Yourself” campaign aided female empowerment, garnering more than 600 million hashtag views on Weibo and 2.12 million comments.



Online shopping is an accepted part of life in China. Everything from fresh produce and seafood to appliances and automobiles are being purchased online.

Due to the high demand in the market, e-commerce platforms work hard to encourage online shoppers, resulting in China’s numerous shopping festivals. If you want to increase your brands e-commerce sales, you need to be aware of the major e-shopping festivals and plan your marketing strategy accordingly. This is why selling on Chinese e-commerce platforms is the most efficient way to increase sales among the Chinese audience.