This Christmas, Find Out What Brands in the Chinese Market Have Been Up To

In the last decade, Christmas has settled as an important event for brands in China. Of course, it is not as large as traditional Chinese holidays or e-commerce festivals, but many brands, particularly those with Western roots, are celebrating with their fans in various ways. 

Shopping malls, restaurants, and entertainment venues in China’s major cities are all decked out with Christmas trees, and Santa is on his way to deliver gifts to children. This year, we looked at several different international and domestic brands to see how they celebrate Christmas. 

🎄 Read our previous article about how Christmas changed in China over the last couple of years

Christmas in China

When it comes to any festive campaign, social media plays an important role. With WeChat being the biggest social media platform, brands are super keen to get the best engagement for their campaigns. We’ve seen a lot of beautifully crafted interactive articles and WeChat campaigns for this Christmas. Again, we worked with Montagut to produce a fun interactive post that led readers through a short narrated story with a Christmas-themed setting. Scan the QR code to open the article and interact with it for yourself.

Montagut Christmas China WeChat

This is not the first time we’ve collaborated with Montagut on holiday content. Click here to learn more about our “Winter Wonderland” Christmas campaign. 

Christmas in China is more about gifting between couples during romantic dinners or self-gifting than it is about family gifting. As a result, many jewelry brands are taking this task seriously and planning eye-catching and interesting campaigns. Tiffany and Boucheron created some cool interactive posts. Harry Winston, on the other hand, delights with an online quiz that helps you find the best gifts for your other half or for yourself. Fendi prepared a whole winter-themed universe leveraging WeChat Channels, stickers, and gaming, all in one! Not to mention creating a super cute brand mascot – Brother Fen to top off the trends targeting Chinese Gen Z. 

🔥 Explore more about China’s Gen Z as Luxury Consumers



Fendi – Brother Fen’s Universe:

Fendi China


Harry Winston Mini-Program Quiz:

Christmas WeChat Interactive Posts:


Interactive Post from Pandora:


Interactive Post from Boucheron:


Interactive Post from Tiffany:

Advent Calendars in China

Many beauty companies have released Christmas-themed products as well as full-fledged advent calendars. Following last year’s public relations disaster, in which the Chanel advent calendar was deemed overpriced for the value of the products inside, other brands’ seasonal blind boxes fared well this year due to customer satisfaction with better product quality and price points.

In China, blind boxes are a popular marketing tool, and advent calendars fit the bill perfectly if done correctly. Brands such as Charlotte Tilbury, MAC, or Diptyque released theirs through their own channels as well as in collaboration with KOLs. The following are some of the 圣诞限定礼盒 (Christmas Limited Edition Box) mentions on Xiaohongshu, “RED,” where users were unboxing and showing off their treasures.

RED Xiaohongshu Advert Calendar China

Christmas on Chinese E-commerce Platforms

Naturally, compared to complete promotional takeovers during 11/11 or other shopping festivals, Christmas is less visible on e-commerce. However, many brands prepared their own promotions and Christmas content for their official Tmall storesMany brands took a creative approach to Christmas, tying the festive season with more inclusive winter, astrology, or winter sports themes rather than a dull Santa and reindeer approach. Since the Olympic Games in Beijing in early 2022, the latter has also become synonymous with winter.  Astrology is also a big trend leveraged this Christmas, particularly in makeup, and can be seen not only in Western brands like Dior and Gucci but also in Perfect Diary. 

Christmas Tmall Taobao

This year’s lower enthusiasm for celebrations is also related to the recent surge of COVID-19 cases across China as a result of relaxed restrictions, which appears to be the first step toward China’s reopening in 2023.    

📌 Click here to learn more about WeChat interactive posts and how you can make the most of it!


It only makes sense for a brand with European roots to want to celebrate this holiday with its customers and provide them with a little extra.  You can engage and amuse your fans with a comprehensive marketing campaign, depending on your goals and resources. You could also offer exclusive holiday discounts or festive add-ons. Alternatively you could just wish them a happy holiday in a special post or interactive article. 

Additionally, international B2B brands shouldn’t be reluctant to celebrate Christmas with their clients. In fact, this is one of the few times when you can get away with using lighter language. We assist our clients in planning holiday events each year that will highlight their brand values and improve their relationships with their staff, partners, and clients. See some of the examples from previous years:




Last but not least, since Christmas is here, it means that Chinese New Year is also approaching fast, and this year it falls particularly early on January 22. It’s the last chance to start getting ready for China’s most significant holiday. There are a number of options, including intricate campaigns, interactive articles, holiday posters, and even red packets.

🧧 Visit our article to learn more about what a “red packet” (hongbao) is

Contact us if you would like our assistance with your marketing communications during this special time of the year.


What is Whitelisting and How It Can Help Brands Boost Collaborations on WeChat?

All WeChat content creators and marketing managers will agree that getting organic views under their articles is getting tougher year by year. In the highly-saturated space as WeChat is, ads are of great help but do you want to know how to reach new audiences through organic content? That is possible by collaborating with so-called hot accounts (industry accounts with a big reach and strong reputation) and influencer accounts on WeChat. 

We saw a lot of our clients partnering with other accounts to promote their brand but despite sometimes high fees, these sponsored articles didn’t generate any additional traffic or new followers for the client’s account. Did it happen to you too? Learn how to avoid these mishaps in our article and which methods will work towards your particular goals. 


What is Whitelisting?

So what is exactly whitelisting and how to share content on Wechat using this method?

Whitelisting is the method of allowing access to resources created and posted by your account to only authorized parties. When it comes to WeChat as a social platform, whitelisting can be very beneficial for users and businesses alike. By leveraging whitelisting your brand can reach new audiences who are already curious about your industry and potential customers. 

Shortly, you can allow other accounts to reshare or as WeChat call it, reprint, your articles on their accounts. 

Content that can be redistributed in this way must have the ‘original content’ mark meaning that you’re the owner of the content. 

Content producers can click the “original content declaration” button in the backend when publishing to claim full ownership of the content. In order to do so the articles must be at least 300 characters long. Note that articles without this designation can be easily copied and redistributed without your knowledge. It’s always good to tick the ‘original content’ box! Find requirements for accounts that post mostly visual-based content and can’t read 300 characters on the official WeChat / Weixin website. 


Types of sharing content in WeChat

By default, all accounts can reshare articles from other accounts on WeChat. However, this function is not very popular. It doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing or attractive. You can see it below. 

There are two main types of authorization for third-party partners to reprint your content. 

First of all, the authorization can be granted for individual articles or for all content posted on your account (global reprint permission 全局可转载帐号). The second option means that the whitelisted partner will be able to share all our articles at any time.

In both cases, you will have additional options to consider when allowing other accounts to reshare your content. You can: 

  • Require a partner account to display a link to the original official account: You can require always have a link to the original article visible. This will enable the readers to visit the original article and potentially 
  • Give permission to edit: You can grant the resharing account permission to edit the article; otherwise, the article will be forwarded in its entirety.


As you can see you can choose different options depending if the relationship with the partner is to be a one-off or a long-term one. 

Secondly, keep in mind that if you don’t require the partner to show the link to the original article you’re losing the chance to redirect the fans to your account. Having a contact card tile with the link to your account or a QR code is a must if your goal is to drive traffic to your account. 

Reprinting – how is it displayed on WeChat?

Sharing WeChat B2B

As you can see in the 3rd option, users will see right away the original source of the article and they can click to follow your account. Your partner on the other hand can add a short note about why they are reposting this article or any other comment or introduction.

New option! 

Just recently, we spotted a new feature in the WeChat backend. This new option, ‘quick repost’, means all accounts can repost your new article. This option comes with some limitations but it’s a good way to get your content spread. It gives you less control on who can share the article but on the other hand, accounts won’t be able to remove the source or modify it. 

According to WeChat:

  1. When quick repost is on, the source will always be displayed when this article is reposted, and cannot be modified.
  2. Quick repost does not affect the repost authorization of whitelisted accounts. The format is as follows.

Interesting thing:

  • Reprinted articles cannot contain internal WeChat links. 

quick repost wechat

Collaboration and mutual distribution

WeChat’s official accounts can work with other accounts in a variety of ways to spread their content among a chosen target audience. This can be done either by providing a ready-to-use article to partners that will be shared via a whitelisting process. You can also opt to create a new, original article.

It is critical that sponsored content maximizes efforts and truly directs readers from the partner account to the original content on your account. For example, a QR code or contact card at the end of the article will help users to reach the original source.

Similarly, if your brand has several official accounts, the most effective way to cross-promote would be to mutually whitelist each other and regularly reshare key content across. 


Collaborations with KOLs in WeChat

Collaboration with KOLs (key opinion leaders), your industry experts, or hot accounts from your industry can be very beneficial. After that, publication brands can work with KOLs to direct traffic from these accounts to your account.


Brands that cannot advertise on WeChat

Accounts belonging to restricted industries can also greatly benefit from whitelisting as a key method of promotion on WeChat. Since there are stringent regulations for certain sectors it’s often impossible for these brands to advertise on WeChat.  

But brands in these sectors can only grow organically on WeChat and actually thrive. This is where a carefully planned collaboration strategy helps. Because of that collaborations can help reach new audiences, and with whitelisting facilities, organic content from these brands can get better visibility.

⛔️ Learn who can’t absolutely advertise on WeChat. Does your brand fall within one of these categories?


Case study on magazine collaboration

Let’s observe the advantages of collaboration with one of our clients. 

Client: AkzoNobel International Marine Coatings

Industry: B2B Marine & Protective Coatings for the shipping industry

Target Audience: Major shipping companies

Objectives: build brand awareness and brand equity

Solution: Collaborate with expert magazines from the industry to publish content from the brand on their WeChat account.

Results: Magazine articles surpassed by 80% and 125% the brand’s best-performing owned article of the whole year among the relevant target audience

Whitelisting Sharing WeChat B2B case study

These PR-style collaborations also serve as backlinks for WeChat SEO, boosting the brand’s ranking in the WeChat search results. These collaborations produce results both in the short term (by providing brand visibility to magazine followers). In addition, in the long term, it improves the WeChat search index ranking.

🚢You can see the full case study here: Case Study: AkzoNobel (B2B Management)



Collaborations, be they with KOLs or partner brands, are crucial to expanding customer bases by reaching new audiences. In conclusion with whitelisting, you can reach high-quality followers with organic content. This is especially helpful for brands that cannot advertise on WeChat and solely rely on organic content to reach their potential customers.

If you want to know more about collaborations and content sharing on WeChat, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their networks among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us at

How to Make a Great First Impression on WeChat with an Official Account?

WeChat’s active users are steadily increasing, and it has over 1.29 billion monthly users. Today, WeChat is one of the leading social networks worldwide, ranking fifth in terms of active users. As literally, everyone in China is on WeChat so are the brands using the official account function to connect with their fans, business partners, and potential prospects. On average, most of the users followed between 10 and 20 WeChat official accounts. So, it is very crucial for businesses to stand out in order to attract potential customers, and it is not easy.

Here are a few things you can do to make the best first impression on WeChat as the brand’s official WeChat account

How do WeChat users discover and start following official accounts?

How do users come across a WeChat account? There are different ways one might come across a brand’s official WeChat account. People might find official accounts thanks to QR codes which are ubiquitous in China and can be placed on: 

  • Marketing materials,
  • Web sites,
  • Newsletters,
  • Brochures,
  • Business cards. 

The target audience that is using the WeChat app can reach the Official accounts through:

Other methods of fan acquisition

There are even other ways a user can reach an official account inside the WeChat app. However, WeChat users may also be reached through paid promotions, collaborations with KOLs, and other partners. KOL marketing is huge and can benefit businesses by creating awareness. If you think that KOL/influencer marketing is only for lifestyle brands, you might want to rethink your approach. Since WeChat brand marketing is all about official accounts, you can also collaborate with bigger accounts to promote your brand. You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about new posts or follow our official WeChat account at KRDS-Agency.

How to make the best first impression on WeChat?

When the audience lands on the account, they first see the main page. It is the flagship of a brand presence on WeChat and it creates the first impression on the audience about the style and the message of the brand. A brand’s official account can be an equivalent of an official website. 

Firstly, the main page showcases the brand logo, description, and menu, and has the latest articles published. It is very important to keep in mind that the information is accurate and stays aligned with the brand. Secondly, you should make sure it is presented in a clear and user-friendly way.

Moreover, there is a welcome message. When a user starts following an official account, a welcome message will be prompted automatically. Typically, the welcome message contains information about the company, the current campaign, a link to the mini-program, and more.

Along with the welcome message, you can see a menu at the bottom. A proper and well-maintained menu is critical as it is one of the most frequently clicked items on the entire WeChat account.

Many users want to get the information right away that they are looking for. It is the first place people reach out and navigate through the account. Therefore, menu tabs should be embedded within WeChat or link to a website hosted on the Chinese server. You can also mirror the menu from the official website.


User’s journey through the WeChat official account

Stage 1: First impressions

Regardless of how users found your account, they will land on your main WeChat page and will make a decision if they want to follow your account. They will see the account name, brand logo, description, your company name as on the business license. They will also see how many of their friends are also following your account. Still, even before following you, they can see the latest articles (make sure the thumbnails look nice and eye-catching), interact with the menu tabs and see if you have a dedicated video Channels account.

🎥 What are WeChat Channels and how you can incorporate them in your WeChat planning?

Stage 2: Why should I follow?

When someone first follows an account, they immediately come across the automatic welcome message. In the welcome message, clearly and simply inform what kind of content they can expect from the account. For example, it’s a good idea to include a brief introduction to your company, quick links to your offerings, and contact methods. 

WeChat Welcome message

Stage 3: Did I find what I was looking for?

There is a WeChat menu to help with this. The WeChat menu is an extremely important part of the official account. It is actually quite often overlooked or not updated regularly. For instance even inactive accounts, still see considerable traffic each month just to their menu tabs. 

ℹ️ Learn more about the menu

ℹ️ How to optimize your WeChat menu?

WeChat Menu

Stage 4: Auto-replies

It happens that users don’t find the information they were looking for in the menu. Sometimes they simply prefer a one-on-one and direct conversation. In order to facilitate your customer service work, you can set up automatic replies prompted by the most frequently asked questions and relevant keywords. In other words, your followers don’t need to wait and get an instant reply.


WeChat is a huge deal if you want to attract an audience. The audience can judge a business through the WeChat official account. So, it is very important to understand how to maintain the account in a better way to attract and make the audience follow the WeChat official account.

If you wish to know more about WeChat marketing and content creation or other marketing techniques in China, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their networks among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us at

Tips for Reusing Your Western Social Media Content for WeChat in the Chinese market

China is the largest social media market in the world, but since Western social media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are blocked there, most people are limited to using domestic social media – WeChat The Chinese social media ecosystem is distinctive because of this ban of other popular social networks.

WeChat is one of the most popular social media applications. It has grown to become the world’s (not just China’s) biggest super-app, with more than 1.25 billion average monthly active users. 

One of the most interesting features for brands is official accounts. There are over 25 million official accounts on WeChat and all brands are fiercely fighting for users’ attention. How to make sure you do it the right way? Even if your content is performing really well it doesn’t necessarily mean that would be the case on WeChat. Content consumption, preferences of the Chinese audience, and format requirements vary from those on Facebook or TikTok. Reposting your Western content directly on WeChat won’t bring you a lot of fans. 


Western Social Media vs WeChat Content 

WeChat is an excellent tool for entering the Chinese market. It is frequently compared to Facebook or WhatsApp because its initial, and still the most important function, is instant messaging. However, despite these comparisons, the content that brands share on their official accounts is completely different. 

If your WeChat strategy was to reshare content from your Western social media platforms, that’s not an easy road. WeChat’s content formats differ significantly from those of Western social media apps. 

WeChat articles are lengthy posts that resemble newsletters or even blog articles more than anything else. Whereas Western social media are usually short, visually speaking content. Simply reposting content from Facebook and Instagram with a brief caption is not the best strategy because readers will be unsatisfied and won’t return if the situation occurs again. 

However, it’s not impossible to make Western content work for WeChat. If you have a library of content already created for your Western social media or official website, we can help you to find the best way to repurpose and localize it to WeChat requirements and your target audience preferences.  


Tips to repurpose Western social media content for WeChat 


  • Good news! You can simply reuse your blog articles as WeChat posts.
  • Localize the content for the audience by translating the blog posts into the market language.
  • Focus on the most interesting aspects that will resonate with your audience in China and skip paragraphs that are less relevant. 

Examples of Western social media blogs and updates turned into a WeChat article

Image-based content (Instagram):

You can incorporate the images and lengthen the copy by adding an introduction and more details, giving it at least a few paragraphs.

  • You can take additional photos and include them in the article. 
  • Try to combine several posts and see if you can create a WeChat story out of them. 
  • Prepare a nice layout to be visually appealing to the readers.


Video-based content (Stories, YouTube):

  • You can create content around videos by directly embedding them into articles.
  • You can also open WeChat Channels. Reuse both photos and videos with this WeChat feature. Literally, it’s the best WeChat feature for utilizing nearly all your visual and video content. 
  • You can add Chinese subtitles added to your videos or fully localize them. 
WeChat Channels Video

WeChat Channels – WeChat answer to TikTok and other short-video platforms

➡️ Learn more about WeChat Channels and how you can win on this WeChat’s sub-platfrom 

With a good strategy and a pinch of creativity, you can smartly reuse existing content to maximize your efforts and save time. This will work for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even YouTube content. We encourage you to prepare a mix of global and original content for the local Chinese market – that is the strategy that works best for WeChat. 



WeChat is the most widely used and well-known social media platform in China, so if you want to expand into the Chinese market, you must start producing content on WeChat. 

At The WeChat Agency, we can help you decide on the content that can be reused from the global marketing assets and also help you create the best original content for China.

If you wish to know more about WeChat content creation and repurposing or other marketing techniques in China, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their networks among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us at

Chinese market trends

Tencent Accelerates the Development of its One-Stop Live Shopping Platform, Will it be Able to Compete with Douyin?

The launch of Tencent’s WeChat Channels Store on July 21 increased the competition for Douyin’s live-streaming e-commerce venture. The launch of the new service is intended to replace the earlier WeChat-based online store, increasing the dependence of sellers on “WeChat Channels,” which offer live streaming and brief videos. In 2021, the short video service had 500 million daily active users, an increase of 79% over the year before. Each day, these users spent 35 minutes watching videos, an increase of 84% over 2020, but this was still less than a third of the time spent on Douyin and Kuaishou.



Don’t You Dare Say “WeChat”: 

Chinese users have long eschewed censorship by using inventive wordplay, such as homonyms and purposely misspelled words, to get around restrictions on social media. In addition to political taboos, there are also business regulations. Live streamers on Douyin are reportedly prohibited from using the terms “WeChat,” “friend circle,” or even “limited time offer” and “money-making.” Also, avoid bringing up the “country” or the “pandemic situation.” These never-ending guidelines and limitations were tiresome for content producers.



Cartier snatches up China’s lower-tier markets ahead of the Qixi festival

In three Chinese cities, Henglong Plaza in Kunming, Wanxiang City in Nanning, and Hisense Plaza in Qingdao, Cartier has set up a number of pop-up experience stores. A limited-edition collection made specifically for the festival and available only in the Chinese market will be displayed in three distinctive installations.



5 Tips For KOL Collaborations In China

The outcomes of a partnership between a brand and KOL are impossible to foresee.

  • 1. Limited-edition capsule collections are king
  • 2. Take cues from local brands
  • 3. Beware of collaboration fatigue
  • 4. Keep in mind: Consumers in China still rely heavily on celebrities and KOLs 
  • 5. Yet brands must be more cautious than ever when partnering with a KOL or celebrity



Alibaba’s joins ByteDance’s Douyin to challenge Tencent-backed Meituan in food delivery market

On Friday,, an Alibaba Group Holding-backed food delivery service, announced a partnership with ByteDance that would enable Douyin’s 600 million daily active users to place food orders through the brief video app.  Through the partnership, will use videos on Douyin to promote products from millions of restaurants and stores. was acquired by Alibaba in 2018, but the platform has had trouble competing with Meituan, which is supported by Tencent Holdings. In the first quarter of 2021, held 27% of the market for online food delivery in China, which is less than Meituan’s share of 67 percent. Meituan faces new obstacles as a result of the most recent partnership between and Douyin. 


H&M Returns to Tmall After Prolonged Xinjiang Cotton Controversy

H&M quietly made a comeback on Tmall, Alibaba’s flagship e-commerce site in China. The store’s reopening was announced by local media outlets on Monday. In 2018, the Swedish fast-fashion juggernaut debuted its official Tmall store. Due to allegations of forced labor in the Xinjiang region, the brand refused to use that cotton in March, and as a result was removed from Pinduoduo,, and The store remains unsearchable on the latter two e-commerce sites, and its store listings remain delisted from online maps and Dianping, the Chinese version of Yelp.

H&M closed its first and largest flagship store in Shanghai this June due to protracted lockdown procedures and ongoing customer backlash. The brand currently runs 381 physical locations, down from more than 500 doors at the start of 2021. The brand also operates an official website in the market.


WeChat Interactive Articles – Introduction & Examples

WeChat Interactive Articles (WIA) are a relatively new and highly engaging way of presenting content on WeChat. They are created by brands and are designed to be quick, easy, and fun! Thanks to different features they can be used to engage with your audience in a very unique way.

What exactly are interactive posts?

You might have seen WeChat posts embellished with GIFs or other eye-catching graphics. Creators can upload such elements into articles directly in the WeChat backend when creating an article. However, WeChat’s native backend offers extremely limited options. That’s why many brands decide to use third-party platforms to create their posts. For example, you can add some features like swiping or ‘click to reveal’ to your posts using popular browser-based editing tools like xiumi

More advanced interactive features require coding and are increasingly popular among WeChat brands. 

What Are Animated SVGs?

Let’s begin with a technical explanation here. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a vector picture format for two-dimensional graphics that is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) and supports animation and interactivity. A less technical explanation is that it is a special kind of image format – a Scalable Vector Graphic. We know, TL;DR. Let’s move to a more practical explanation.

Let us share with you some of the coolest examples of interactive posts. The effects can include tapping, long-pressing, selecting an answer (micro quizzes), and more. 

Montagut interactive post





Why Interactive Posts Are a Great Alternative? 

First of all, they are extremely engaging! A social media post with a picture is 10 times more likely to receive interaction. This is due to the fact that our brains process images and colors more quickly than other types of information. Therefore, advancing the idea and animating your image will also boost engagement. If your post hit the sweet spot, there is a good chance that your readers will share it further with their friends. 

Classic static content no longer do especially when users are constantly inundated with new posts from brands. 

Secondly, they can also be an interesting alternative to H5 mini-sites

  • Creating an H5 mini-page requires much more effort in terms of time and budget. An interactive post can be a good option for smaller budgets and quick turnaround.
  • User journey doesn’t require WeChat readers to leave the article as it happens when redirecting to an H5 page.  

Montagut interactive post




Naturally, H5 is still a great option for bigger campaigns that need to pack varied special effects or more complex interactions. Tracking clicks is also possible on an interactive article. It is worth mentioning that interactive features on the articles, even with coding, will still be quite basic but nonetheless fun. 

groz beckert interactive post




You can also add a call to action (CTA) to demonstrate to readers the benefits they will receive; it should also be rewarding, contextually appropriate, and consistent with the official account’s branding and content style. When you catch readers’ attention, you can try to redirect them to e.g. your e-shop mini-program. 

blackrock interactive post





When creating interactive WeChat articles, keep in mind these essential components. You might feel tempted to add too many interactive elements. We suggest keeping them to around 5 but well-thought-out and creative ones. Make sure your content is on-brand and that the interactions are clearly indicated.

Always remember that a brand’s engagement and conversion rate are better the more interactive it is.

If you wish to know more about WeChat articles & other marketing techniques in China, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact at